I almost never use this space any more just for links but damn it this is my blog and I can if I want to. Here are two exceptional pieces of writing and you should go read them both: First, John Gruber’s Microsoft, Past and Future is by a huge margin the best thing I’ve read on that transition, and Microsoft still matters, really a lot. Second, William Burroughs’ Doing Easy is unlike anything I’ve read this year or last year either, will make you smile and is full of big important life lessons.


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From: Mike (Feb 13 2014, at 13:53)

Pretty neat essay ... kind of a Larry Wall vibe but more poetic.


From: Jacob C. (Feb 21 2014, at 07:39)

It's "Do Easy", actually, and it's a passage form the book "Exterminator!" I always read DE as a satire on the American positive-thinking/self-help mindset exemplified by the likes of Dale Carnegie and Norman Vincent Peale, and it was bizarre to see the DE passage chucked around the web so unironically.

But then I remembered that Burroughs himself had been a devotee of L. Ron Hubbard.


author · Dad
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picture of the day
February 10, 2014
· Technology (90 fragments)
· · Microsoft (28 more)
· The World (147 more)

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