Week ending Sunday 2013/11/03

Monday 00:19 · “Some people just go out dancing; other people like us, we gotta work.” — Lou Reed [Original.]

Monday 08:26 · Guy on TechCrunch asserts removing iWork features “is about serving the majority of users.” techcrunch.com/2013/10/26/stop-freaking-out-about-iwork/ Uh huh. [Original.]

Monday 08:34 · @gruber You seriously claiming that crippling OS X products serves either the iOS or OS X user communities? [Original, responding to @gruber.]

Monday 09:25 · Human evolution and latitudinal differentiation: www2.macleans.ca/2013/10/28/evolution-on-fast-forward-2/ (BTW, I was born in Edmonton) [Original.]

Monday 09:27 · @asymco Keynote is the one I care about most, and I *really* need customized presenter display. #stickingwith09 [Original, responding to @asymco.]

Monday 09:28 · @gruber Reading your tweets but not getting your argument. Maybe go long-form? [Original, responding to @gruber.]

Monday 14:24 · Brian Cambpell’s presenting modern-ID-tech goodness in Vancouver next week: [Original.]

Monday 15:05 · Seems perfectly reasonable to try to tap head-of-state communications, official friend or not. Isn’t that what spies are for? [Original.]

Monday 15:10 · Also seems perfectly reasonable not to tell intel customers, even the Prez, exactly where the goodies come from. [Original.]

Monday 15:58 · @geoffarnold I’m sure China’s trying, and I bet the French would take an opportunity if they saw one. OK, react. [Original, responding to @geoffarnold.]

Monday 19:55 · @ahalam I’m sure they would if they could, and I bet without telling Ms Merkel. [Original, responding to @ahalam.]

Monday 20:11 · The right people for Merkel to get mad at are her obviously-out-of-their-depth security staff. [Original.]

Monday 21:12 · Chinese government trying to export censorship: www.economist.com/blogs/analects/2013/10/chinese-censorship-goes-global?fsrc=rss [Original.]

Monday 21:29 · Oops, now with the right link: Roger Angell is blogging the Series! www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/sportingscene#slide_ss_0=1 [Original.]

Tuesday 08:48 · Being Wrong On The Internet; the FAQ: properdiscord.com/2013/10/28/youre-wrong-an-f-a-q/ [Original.]

Tuesday 11:19 · “a huge file called ‘users.tar.gz’ that appears to include more than 150 million username and hashed password pairs” krebsonsecurity.com/2013/10/adobe-breach-impacted-at-least-38-million-users/ [Original.]

Tuesday 11:25 · RT @fraserspeirs: Officially sick of logging into stuff on the web. [Original.]

Tuesday 12:38 · Mitro, another password-management product: [Original.]

Tuesday 12:56 · RT @anildash: Seems like a Technorati-circa-2004 service that we ping with our tagged blog posts would be infinitely cheaper to build today… [Original.]

Tuesday 14:32 · @steveklabnik Can’t wait to see it. Feel free to pester me if needed, I’ve bashed on both. [Original, responding to @steveklabnik.]

Tuesday 14:42 · @steveklabnik Might be some useful raw material for you in www.tbray.org/ongoing/What/Technology/Identity/ [Original, responding to @steveklabnik.]

Tuesday 14:45 · @steveklabnik Not a real wide choice of IDPs yet, though. [Original, responding to @steveklabnik.]

Tuesday 14:52 · Passwords are hard, part 351,498: security.mongohq.com/notice [Original.]

Tuesday 16:11 · @dangillmor Twitter should welcome any/all clients, impose one absolute rule: Don’t screw with ads. [Original, responding to @dangillmor.]

Tuesday 16:17 · @dangillmor Twitter bans that client instantly. [Original, responding to @dangillmor.]

Tuesday 16:27 · @dangillmor Yeah, but Twitter is sort of sui generis. Anyhow, that’s what I’d do, but I suspect they don’t care what I think. [Original, responding to @dangillmor.]

Tuesday 16:42 · @harper Hit me with your best tweet [Original, responding to @harper.]

Tuesday 19:20 · RT @yeselson: Yes, it's true: wealthy, humane countries expect young/healthy/wealthy to subsidize the old/poor/sick. Y/H will be O/P someda… [Original.]

Tuesday 19:50 · Newsflash: People who were already sure that Glass was dorky/useless/doomed... still do! [Original.]

Wednesday 08:14 · RT @KentBeck: when writing a new code editor it's tempting to just leave out the ability to write comments. [Original.]

Wednesday 11:19 · @tenderlove :!find `your-command-here` -name '*.rb' But that feels too easy... [Original, responding to @tenderlove.]

Wednesday 14:12 · @bascule @evanphx If we get to the same conf get me to show you the Yubi thingie we’re trialing for Googlers. One-tap 2FA, addictive. [Original, responding to @bascule.]

Wednesday 14:13 · @danielpunkass Still is, in the unlikely event that anyone uses them. [Original, responding to @danielpunkass.]

Wednesday 15:06 · @ftrain Is Fairuz what the kids listen to these days? (I grew up in Lebanon. You should hear her do the 1st movement of Mozart’s 40th.) [Original, responding to @ftrain.]

Wednesday 15:55 · What does “social sign-in” mean, anyhow? [Original.]

Wednesday 16:36 · @llsethj Let’s see what gets said officially [Original, responding to @llsethj.]

Wednesday 17:03 · @defrag I thought it was kinda useless, also felt somewhat spammy. [Original, responding to @defrag.]

Thursday 08:05 · Argh... supposedly intelligent people still sending bearer tokens as query params not HTTP headers. Don’t do that!!! www.thread-safe.com/2013/10/latest-facebook-security-vulnerability.html [Original.]

Thursday 09:24 · Toronto Police, TAKE A BOW! www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/toronto-police-have-rob-ford-alleged-crack-video-say-chief/article15183761/?cmpid=rss1&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter Bye-bye #RobFord [Original.]

Thursday 09:31 · SSL Added and Removed Here! :) teespring.com/nsassl [Original.]

Thursday 10:45 · They say “social login” but I think they just mean “uses an IDP”. Industry numbers: blog.gigya.com/social-login-infographic-q3-2013/ (Silent on methodology, though) [Original.]

Thursday 12:58 · RT @rodmickleburgh: Yeah, but we have a mayor who was once caught riding two zones on Skytrain with a one zone ticket...take that, Toronto!… [Original.]

Thursday 15:50 · Hallowe’en tab sweep (particularly juicy I think): [Original.]

Thursday 23:49 · @joshuatopolsky The Return by Ferron [Original, responding to @joshuatopolsky.]

Friday 00:05 · Hey @duncan, the correct thing to say is “I don’t understand”: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2004/01/13/LawOfConversation [Original.]

Friday 00:06 · @DeirdreS That’s what lovers are for. Right? [Original, responding to @DeirdreS.]

Friday 08:00 · @thefatrat Lots. Search for “OS X” and “Android” in www.tbray.org/ongoing/What/ [Original, responding to @thefatrat.]

Friday 08:04 · There’s a special place in hell for those who disable paste in the “re-enter password” field. Looking at you, Cisco. [Original.]

Friday 08:13 · Next week: IETF Plenary on Internet Hardening feat. Schneier: [Original.]

Friday 08:45 · @nigenet I use a random password generator. The refusal to paste is idiocy, a security anti-pattern, training me to use insecure passwords. [Original, responding to @nigenet.]

Friday 09:07 · @nigenet Ouch. Right answer is to amputate passwords from the Internet as much as possible... [Original, responding to @nigenet.]

Friday 10:07 · America labelled by an Australian who’s never been there and knows nothing about its geography: 24.media.tumblr.com/5600829df2c14cb1fb12bde5e1c662f4/tumblr_mvdkh4QXi51qm7oolo1_1280.jpg [Original.]

Friday 10:57 · @JakubKonecki I use a password manager that generates random 14-character passwords, highly secure, horrible to type. [Original, responding to @JakubKonecki.]

Friday 13:40 · @glynmoody I saw the “Home of the Brave” tour; it totally changed my view of what music could be. Also made me weep with pure beauty. [Original, responding to @glynmoody.]

Friday 19:36 · RT @GoogleBarge: Soon I will put myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do. [Original.]

Saturday 16:28 · @konklone @blaine findidp.appspot.com but not finished [Original, responding to @konklone.]

Saturday 18:28 · @konklone Will be open source soon, need to dot a couple more i’s. [Original, responding to @konklone.]

Saturday 18:31 · @konklone 532> curl -I !$ curl -I 't.co/wXG09PwxBL HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found [Original, responding to @konklone.]

Saturday 20:45 · t.co/6eT0ZzLnCA: 20:43:11 up 925 days, 3:50, 11 users, load average: 0.08, 0.08, 0.02 Debian stable ftw. [Original.]

Saturday 21:46 · I can connect to * dot wordpress dot com on HTTPS in Chrome, but in Safari it redirects to HTTP. Huh? [Original.]

Saturday 23:21 · @donpark Some shit like that happening in Ingress these days. Except for you gotta get outta the basement. [Original, responding to @donpark.]

Saturday 23:26 · @donpark Works super well in big cities anywhere, people walk/bike to play. [Original, responding to @donpark.]

Saturday 23:39 · @chuq J.H. Christ, I’d typically be nuking 600+ of 876. Waitress! I’ll have whatever Chuq’s having. [Original, responding to @chuq.]

Sunday 09:11 · I can connect to * dot wordpress dot com on HTTPS in Chrome, but in Safari it redirects to HTTP. Huh? [Original.]

Sunday 13:14 · @wycats Pretty sure you can’t use it in sorting out personal-relationship difficulties, much and all as that’s tempting. [Original, responding to @wycats.]

Sunday 17:13 · What’s the Internet for? CAT VIDEOS! [Original.]

Sunday 21:11 · Fooling with a ZTE Firefox phone. Behind the times but really not terrible for $80. Keyboard is only real bleeding sore. [Original.]

author · Dad
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November 03, 2013
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