Week ending Sunday 2012/12/16

Monday 15:03 · Yak: shaved. [Original.]

Monday 15:25 · @GreatDismal Cool, but I’ve always wanted to see the Bay Bridge movies. Might be kinda expensive to make though. [Original, responding to @GreatDismal.]

Monday 15:31 · @GreatDismal Ah, but a good HBO [or equiv] multi-season production... [Original, responding to @GreatDismal.]

Tuesday 10:04 · @phillipdjwa Lots of water being delivered just outside your office right now. [Original, responding to @phillipdjwa.]

Tuesday 21:52 · “The dead gold is sitting, waiting for people to remember it…” laughingsquid.com/inside-the-bank-of-englands-gold-bullion-vault/ [Original.]

Tuesday 22:37 · Argh, have re-written this blog draft like 6 times. It’s at high risk of coming out lifeless. Time to get a drink. [Original.]

Wednesday 00:11 · @teich Please shut up. I have already decided to avoid that temptation. [Original, responding to @teich.]

Wednesday 00:15 · 12-12-12-12 [Original.]

Wednesday 08:31 · Is the mighty RX-1 part of the ideal camera combo? www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2012/12/10/Cameras [Original.]

Wednesday 08:48 · Now that’s what I call a first-class flame: ascii.textfiles.comhttp/ascii.textfiles.com/archives/3826 [Original.]

Wednesday 19:36 · @mattcutts That’s really not bad [Original, responding to @mattcutts.]

Wednesday 20:42 · RT @googlemaps: It’s here. Google Maps for iPhone. Voice navigation, local search, Street View, transit & more. Get #GoogleMaps at h ... [Original.]

Thursday 00:34 · What a world we live in. www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2012/12/2012-the-year-in-photos-part-1-of-3/100418/ [Original.]

Thursday 00:53 · Listening to Nirvana's "Unplugged". Such great songs. [Original.]

Thursday 00:59 · How bout some company gives someone who's not Peter Jackson lots of money to remake the Tolkien opus? It can be better, and should. [Original.]

Thursday 07:33 · @jtauber not long-form but >140: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2003/12/23/ROTK-Feh [Original, responding to @jtauber.]

Thursday 15:31 · @infil00p Dr Yusefi @ City Square family practice (which is moving a little bit East over the holidays) is young, been good to me. [Original, responding to @infil00p.]

Thursday 23:52 · Alice Cooper & The Muppets: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHr6GbWPBVQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player [Original.]

Friday 08:21 · @mezzoblue I’ve had a WiFi-only N7 since pre-launch, but I think I’m going to spend my own money to get a GSM model. [Original, responding to @mezzoblue.]

Friday 10:27 · RT @mbyhoff: 31 U.S. school shootings since Columbine. School shootings in every other country in the world combined since that time: 14. [Original.]

Friday 13:14 · Took my 6-yr-old to school today, hung in the class to watch their opening song-&-dance. Been feeling shaken all day. [Original.]

Friday 20:21 · RT @vambenepe: I can neither confirm nor deny that "Singularity as a Service" in on the Google Cloud Platform roadmap. [Original.]

Sunday 10:11 · Salts Spring’s “Canopy Bird” is one of the world’s great coffees: www.saltspringcoffee.com/product/canopy-bird/ [Original.]

Sunday 10:17 · Sobering tale of software-engineering pain: blog.pamelafox.org/2012/12/a-tale-of-two-bootstraps-lessons.html Bootstrap users take note. [Original.]

Sunday 11:36 · RT @codinghorror: Here's an idea: take half the TSA (or homeland security, your choice) budget, use it for one security guard at every e ... [Original.]

Sunday 22:07 · RT @willnorris: So @timbray inspired me a couple of weeks ago, and willnorris.com is now #PrivateByDefault So who's next? http:/ ... [Original.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
December 16, 2012
· Short-form (350 more)

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