I ran across an article by this dude Andy Doe, who used to run classical music at iTunes, and then was at Naxos records, called What Is Going on with the Record Industry? Worth reading and worth following links from too.

It turns out Doe has a blog called Proper Discord, a large part of which is devoted to silly classical-record covers with snarky captions. He’s so good at it that he got invited to contribute such a piece, pretty hilarious, to The Rite of Spring at One Hundred.

Woah, The Rite of Spring is 100? Now that’s a good excuse for a celebration; it’s one of the best pieces of music ever written. I’m thinking a 5-★ survey is in order.


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From: Alex Brown (Nov 11 2012, at 05:10)

For Rite enthusiasts, Universal are releasing a box set of their 38 recordings of it:


Myself, I'd be happy to have just Dorati/Detroit SO if pressed ...


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