Week ending Sunday 2012/09/09

Monday 16:28 · Was the Apollo program a boondoggle? www.economist.com/blogs/democracyinamerica/2012/09/mitt-romney-and-apollo-programme [Original.]

Monday 16:35 · @davidfrum If it doesn’t work, they make great little kebabs. [Original, responding to @davidfrum.]

Monday 19:02 · What a headline! Israeli actress Orly Weinerman urges Tony Blair to save Gadhafi’s son, her 'discreet' lover: www.haaretz.com/news/national/israeli-actress-orly-weinerman-urges-tony-blair-to-save-gadhafi-s-son-her-discreet-lover-1.462513?localLinksEnabled=false [Original.]

Monday 20:35 · Wondering how many subscribers MLB.tv has, what are the economics? [Original.]

Monday 21:34 · @headius That sounds like it deserves an at-length writeup. [Original, responding to @headius.]

Monday 22:30 · Don’t think Banksy’s been visiting Vancouver; must just be an affectionate nod in his direction: [Original.]

Monday 22:55 · Getting hammered on Intrade as I refuse to back off on my bet that Bashar’s gone by end-of year. #Syria [Original.]

Monday 22:55 · @headius Better have a stiff drink or three. [Original, responding to @headius.]

Tuesday 09:35 · Over on G+, (#in3) is super-cool. [Original.]

Tuesday 11:36 · Must be weeks since I posted a funny cat video. I.e. I’ve been mis-using the Internet: www.youtube.com/watch?v=00KM53yZi2A [Original.]

Tuesday 15:27 · So, who you gonna believe, the FBI or LulzSec? What’s weird is, that’s a serious question; it’s not obvious. [Original.]

Tuesday 22:13 · This story is gonna take a couple of days to pull together. Québec journos on overtime… [Original.]

Tuesday 22:19 · Adorable little film about a girl & a fox: vimeo.com/25034611 [Original.]

Wednesday 10:38 · @pkedrosky You should expand on that. [Original, responding to @pkedrosky.]

Wednesday 10:57 · Awww, this little Google Maps promo film is ultra cute: maps.google.com/help/maps/helloworld/ [Original.]

Wednesday 11:57 · This product looks drop-dead cool; makes me wish I was a musician so I could use it. Watch the video! global.focusrite.com/usb-audio-interfaces/forte [Original.]

Wednesday 19:11 · The Costco guy is OK, but putting him on after Sandra Fluke is kinda cruel. [Original.]

Wednesday 20:11 · It’s just pure fun to watch Bill Clinton lean back and bring it. [Original.]

Thursday 11:01 · If you carry a 10" tablet, you plausibly want a Kindle too. But not if you carry a 7", I think. [Original.]

Thursday 15:16 · Now that we have all these nifty Kindles, could the Kindle store fix the shitty botch-filled typesetting in so many ebooks? [Original.]

Thursday 15:50 · @gruber The competition was called out by name in Bezos’ slides, N7 & iPad. [Original, responding to @gruber.]

Thursday 15:57 · @gruber Hm, they specifically called out N7 on other slides. I wonder if this is significant, or just a slide-prep artifact. [Original, responding to @gruber.]

Thursday 15:59 · @scottknaster @gruber Well, and you can really only saturate more than about 10M if you’re tormenting :) [Original, responding to @scottknaster.]

Thursday 16:01 · Haha, autocorrect switched “torrenting” to “tormenting”. Not entirely inappropriate... [Original.]

Thursday 16:03 · Thinking the 7" space is really where the action is. [Original.]

Thursday 17:29 · Whatever, September: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2012/09/06/September [Original.]

Thursday 17:54 · How big can you print a pocket-cam picture? You’d be surprised. www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2012/09/06/The-Big-Picture [Original.]

Thursday 18:50 · I’m sorry, but Joe Biden is smarmy and boring. [Original.]

Friday 12:14 · Cat Slap Joy Division. (you could look it up) [Original.]

Friday 23:16 · Curiosity is perhaps an alternate form of WALL-E. Evidence: mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/images/?ImageID=4643 [Original.]

Friday 23:36 · @brixen Normally I groan at JRuby/Rubinius piss-ups, but that was pretty funny. [Original, responding to @brixen.]

Sunday 19:08 · @therealfitz Hm, that took me to *my* Instant Uploads. [Original, responding to @therealfitz.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
September 09, 2012
· Short-form (350 more)

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