They’re serious, fierce-looking birds; except when they’re not.

Two eagles in a tree

These two were hanging out next to our cabin, so I settled down with the big lens on the camera, hoping to get a dramatic shot of one or both taking wing. One somehow snuck off while I wasn’t looking, and then the other decided it needed to clean up. This went on for a remarkably long time.

Eagle grooming
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Eagle grooming
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Eagle grooming
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Eagle grooming
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Eagle grooming

I can report that the process works great; that was a fine-looking eagle when it finally flew away. I missed that shot too.


Comment feed for ongoing:Comments feed

From: Sandy Ressler (May 20 2012, at 07:41)

Very cool...and I'm happy with the Canadian geese in my back yard. Always very frustrated trying to catch them in flight..damn difficult.


From: Bill Seitz (May 20 2012, at 13:51)

The John Edwards of eagles.


author · Dad
colophon · rights

May 19, 2012
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· · Photos (980 more)

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