Week ending Sunday 2010/10/31

Monday 00:45 · Current late-night vinyl: Pete Townshend "Empty Glass". Every song great albeit idiosyncratic. Vinyl sadly scarred; must replace. [Original.]

Monday 00:48 · Apparently there was a "Wellington Hobbit Rally". What a world we live in. [Original.]

Monday 00:57 · Autoerotic Nonlethal Filmed Hangings: ... on the Estimation of the Time to Irreversibility in Hanging.www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20562689 [Original.]

Monday 12:04 · A Brazilian visa is kind of painful to get, but it sure beautifies one page of your passport. Other visas pale in comparison. [Original.]

Monday 13:40 · @bcpk Have one in the same passport [Original, responding to @bcpk.]

Tuesday 14:47 · Vancouver to Toronto to São Paolo. 16 hours or so. See you in the other hemisphere. [Original.]

Tuesday 21:19 · Well, Air Canada dropped the ball big-time and it looks like I'm spending Wednesday in Toronto not São Paulo [Original.]

Tuesday 21:51 · @headius Dinner in Montevideo Saturday night? [Original, responding to @headius.]

Tuesday 21:56 · @gruber Toronto is way more sexy. At least that's what they say. [Original, responding to @gruber.]

Wednesday 06:49 · @rabble heh, mine got pushed back, now 2am arrival. See you Saturday (yawn) [Original, responding to @rabble.]

Wednesday 10:03 · @puleen Well, I wrote about it: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2010/09/10/Galaxy-Tab-in-my-Pocket [Original, responding to @puleen.]

Wednesday 13:18 · @puleen It's perfectly OK for apps to be sensitive to screen size, and use different layouts on bigger screens. [Original, responding to @puleen.]

Wednesday 15:24 · @steveherskovits developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html [Original, responding to @steveherskovits.]

Wednesday 15:32 · You know what's really irritating? When there's a piece I know is there on my blog but I can't find it. [Original.]

Wednesday 17:05 · Airport bar, decent beer, World Series. [Original.]

Wednesday 17:49 · I was pretty sure I'd written something about not writing for a particular audience. Remarkably hard to find, but: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2006/10/22/Goodness-Gracious#p-2 [Original.]

Wednesday 17:51 · Here's the thing: The Rangers have the taint of Dubya, and... [Original.]

Wednesday 17:52 · ... and I should feel both West-Coast and high-tech solidarity with the Giants ... [Original.]

Wednesday 17:53 · ... but I kinda like the Rangers. Plus, Vladi deserves a World Series ring. [Original.]

Wednesday 18:33 · Pitchers' duel? What pitchers' duel? [Original.]

Wednesday 18:40 · @knowtheory Erm, that was 2006 [Original, responding to @knowtheory.]

Thursday 07:05 · Coming atcha from the Southern Hemisphere! [Original.]

Thursday 08:39 · There are OMG 19 million people in this São Paulo. [Original.]

Thursday 10:30 · I've said this before, but... working with Omnigraffle puts a smile on my face. [Original.]

Friday 18:14 · Blank-faced with exhaustion in São Paulo airport. Arriving Montevideo 2am O Joy. [Original.]

Friday 18:25 · Technologies that are doing well don't get "repositioned" #anyoneRememberBlackbird ? [Original.]

Friday 22:57 · At 3AM in rainy Montevideo, Uruguay, a corner store is open with a lavish display of fresh fruit and vegetables. (late flight) [Original.]

Saturday 05:43 · Had to berate my taxidriver for change and battle howling winds, but here I am at #RubyConfUy. Feeling comfy. [Original.]

Saturday 06:47 · Mobile-software rules: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2010/10/30/Three-Android-Software-Rules [Original.]

Saturday 07:09 · No more users: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2010/10/30/No-More-Users [Original.]

Saturday 07:44 · Attending a talk on Clojre at #rubyconfuy in Spanish. Since Lisp is the universal language, it shouldn't matter, right? [Original.]

Saturday 08:10 · When I haven't been doing Clojure for a while, the code is completely opaque to me. Not true of Ruby. Hmmm [Original.]

Saturday 14:06 · At #rubyconfuy, @blaine up talking about WebFinger. I *like* WebFinger and his slides are always wonderful. [Original.]

Saturday 14:07 · Mind you, @blaine was rubbing his Mac screen furiously earlier; had to break it to him it wasn't a touch screen. [Original.]

Saturday 16:29 · @headius hmmm I observed eight seconds. What was the extra? Agreed about reflection perf. [Original, responding to @headius.]

Saturday 16:46 · @dalmaer hmmm butter is fast? [Original, responding to @dalmaer.]

Saturday 19:15 · I'm thinking I could learn to really like Montevideo. Well, except for the taxi drivers. [Original.]

Sunday 07:21 · The ferry from Montevideo to Buenos Aires is canceled. Bus/ferry combo instead. Adventure! [Original.]

Sunday 11:14 · @Tombar No, on ferry now. [Original, responding to @Tombar.]

Sunday 15:20 · What Your Choice of Camera Says About You: shutterfinger.typepad.com/shutterfinger/2010/10/what-your-choice-of-camera-says-about-you.html [Original.]

Sunday 15:25 · Hmm... updated to Adium 1.4, said to be a Twitter & IRC client. Now it won't sign in to anything. [Original.]

Sunday 16:20 · My apologies to Adium... was in a place where they blocked chat ports. Works fine. [Original.]

Sunday 20:45 · @nelson Buster Posey, that's totally the greatest name in baseball. [Original, responding to @nelson.]

Sunday 21:25 · In South American hotels, there are bidets. They, and the toilets, are square. But the people's butts aren't... go figure. [Original.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
October 31, 2010
· Short-form (350 more)

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