Week ending Sunday 2010/10/24

Monday 13:18 · @jobsworth Green with envy [Original, responding to @jobsworth.]

Monday 14:52 · @jobsworth I was 9 timezones away :( [Original, responding to @jobsworth.]

Monday 15:03 · Jquerymobile site is a nice demo for itself : jquerymobile.com/demos/1.0a1/ [Original.]

Monday 16:08 · You gotta listen to Steve's anti-Google rant. We're doomed, DOOMED, I tell ya. www.businessinsider.com/steve-jobs-epic-5-minute-anti-google-rant-2010-10 [Original.]

Monday 16:38 · @jsnell 7" tab is damn comfy and handy to carry around & use though. I totally don't believe the equation has just 1 solution. [Original, responding to @jsnell.]

Monday 19:05 · Lauren critiquing Yankee uniforms: "Look like pyjamas. Shoulders are saddle at the front and raglan at the back." [Original.]

Monday 19:10 · @photomatt I wouldn't go near it [Original, responding to @photomatt.]

Tuesday 00:00 · @joshu You need a #galaxytab [Original, responding to @joshu.]

Tuesday 00:19 · Current late-night vinyl: Stravinsky's Le Sacre. Seems I have 3 versions. Karajan, Boulez, "Columbia Symphony". Stand by... [Original.]

Tuesday 00:26 · @charlesarthur I can read what Steve said anywhere. Be more interested in your take, in your space. [Original, responding to @charlesarthur.]

Tuesday 00:29 · @colbycosh Let's be specific. Edmonton had Canada's first mosque. A really really long time ago. [Original, responding to @colbycosh.]

Tuesday 00:49 · Boulez more intense on Le Sacre, but producer left out the bass; Karajan wins. On to Sun Ra. [Original.]

Tuesday 00:50 · @BR3NDA Towels [Original, responding to @BR3NDA.]

Tuesday 08:40 · What Iain Dodsworth of TweetDeck says: twitter.com/#!/iaindodsworth/statuses/27813412620 [Original.]

Tuesday 08:44 · Hey, our own Andy Rubin is on Twitter (well, once so far): @arubin [Original.]

Tuesday 12:11 · Read to the bottom of this terrific piece to find "The best way to prevent piracy." flyosity.com/application-design/licensing-state-of-the-union.php [Original.]

Tuesday 18:36 · Amusing @cyanogen / @migueldeicaza dialogue on what "open" covers. (Only the OS & framework & compilers & VM & most apps). [Original, responding to @cyanogen.]

Tuesday 19:09 · @migueldeicaza Per your definition, of "open" as an all-or-nothing binary condition, you're entirely correct. [Original, responding to @migueldeicaza.]

Tuesday 19:10 · Grats to @inafried, who's excellent, on the new gig - hope they let you off the all-Msft-all-the-time beat. [Original, responding to @inafried.]

Tuesday 19:16 · @jerenkrantz That doesn't seem like a controversial opinion. Also, it's not binary: there's wide-open, semi-open, & locked-down. [Original, responding to @jerenkrantz.]

Tuesday 19:19 · @migueldeicaza You don't really mean that. [Original, responding to @migueldeicaza.]

Tuesday 19:44 · I'm a fan of the #galaxytab, but this is getting a little weird: www.samsung.com/us/article/galaxy-tab-the-perfect-solution-for-busy-moms [Original.]

Tuesday 19:46 · @hfiguiere Wow, didn't know there was one. Jon Bosak used to have the Cali version. [Original, responding to @hfiguiere.]

Tuesday 19:55 · @gruber It's almost certainly not you jinxing them. Just don't think of the word "rhinocerous" & they'll pull it out. [Original, responding to @gruber.]

Tuesday 20:14 · Derek Holland looks like he's about sixteen. [Original.]

Tuesday 22:16 · The boundaries between Twitter and what we think of as mainstream news are interestingly porous. [Original.]

Wednesday 10:05 · @jdunck combination of the OS X char viewer and Emacs [Original, responding to @jdunck.]

Wednesday 15:28 · Joe Hewitt is OK by me: joehewitt.com/post/android-and-open-source/ [Original.]

Wednesday 16:53 · Should the instant-on in the new Airs be faster than my current all-SSD 13" MBPro? [Original.]

Wednesday 16:53 · It is so obviously time to take optidisks out of laptops. Waste of space. [Original.]

Wednesday 23:26 · Current late-night vinyl: More Songs About Buildings and Food. Mmmmmmmmmm [Original.]

Thursday 00:11 · "Lead and fire" - the most beautiful writing I've stumbled across in quite some time: www.economist.com/node/17199498?story_id=17199498 [Original.]

Thursday 07:55 · Java on OS X is "deprecated". developer.apple.com/library/mac/#releasenotes/Java/JavaSnowLeopardUpdate3LeopardUpdate8RN/NewandNoteworthy/NewandNoteworthy.html Far from clear what this means. [Original.]

Thursday 11:54 · Considering replacing my home Mac Pro (noisy, bulky) with a Mini. Nothing I do seems to use >1 core anyhow. [Original.]

Thursday 20:27 · Jim Hugunin jumps: hugunin.net/microsoft_farewell.html Interested in mobile devices, Jim? [Original.]

Thursday 20:33 · @danielpunkass I think you oughta go. I think there are going to be more & more iOS+Android shops; conversation is useful. [Original, responding to @danielpunkass.]

Thursday 23:15 · I love ArsTech and totally care about mobile, but 18 pages on WP7... don't have the strength. arstechnica.com/microsoft/reviews/2010/10/windows-phone-7-the-ars-review.ars [Original.]

Thursday 23:31 · Current late-night vinyl: Tchaikowsky violin concerto, Heifetz/Reiner, 1958. The sound quality is astounding and the touch so light. [Original.]

Thursday 23:54 · End of the Light: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2010/10/21/End-of-the-Light [Original.]

Thursday 23:56 · The long fall rains have set in, but we're used to that. [Original.]

Friday 09:17 · Gosling on Jobs on Java: nighthacks.com/roller/jag/entry/steve_jobs_comments_on_apple [Original.]

Friday 10:20 · #followfriday : twitter.com/timbray/favorites [Original.]

Friday 10:53 · Unclench, everyone. There are millions of Java devs, all their tools are in Java, they like Macs, one way or another it'll be there. [Original.]

Friday 11:24 · OANDA Currency Converter is fantastic Android app. Does one thing very, very well. [Original.]

Friday 15:47 · Statue: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vskBjYc745g [Original.]

Friday 16:35 · 3200 rockets being launched at the same time www.straight.com/article-354329/vancouver/3200-rockets-being-launched-same-time (via @georgiastraight) [Original.]

Friday 17:03 · My #galaxytab is refusing to connect to my Airport at home... works fine with other wifi. Grmf. [Original.]

Friday 17:11 · Also, worked fine with Airport up till a couple days ago [Original.]

Friday 19:33 · Rangers are about done for I guess. [Original.]

Saturday 16:12 · @migueldeicaza I just read the comments. Huh? Room for argument on blackdown etc, but the mac narrative seems accurate to me. [Original, responding to @migueldeicaza.]

Saturday 16:21 · Current 13" mac + SSD is excellent. Replace the optidisk with big slow spinning rust & that's hard to beat. [Original.]

Saturday 16:36 · I think my 13" MBP needs one of these alongside the 120G SSD: store.mcetech.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=OBSXGB-UNB&Category_Code=STORHDOPTIBAY&Product_Count=0 [Original.]

Saturday 20:09 · @BWJones Well, the other comes with a disk & everything. No spares lying round the house at the moment, so probably a wash on price [Original, responding to @BWJones.]

Saturday 20:28 · @ebertchicago There have been some remarkably good displays of pitching excellence this post-season. [Original, responding to @ebertchicago.]

Saturday 22:39 · 'very little is known about the mating behavior of moles' from "Does Anything Eat Wasps?" which is a good book. [Original.]

Saturday 22:42 · @pamelafox Lapsang Souchong ftw [Original, responding to @pamelafox.]

Saturday 23:33 · @mezzoblue Someone needs to ship a Pink Butte beer. For us honkies y'know. [Original, responding to @mezzoblue.]

Saturday 23:54 · Current late-night vinyl: George Thorogood and the Destroyers, "Move It On Over". So pure. No temptation to skip side 2. [Original.]

Sunday 00:07 · A Week From Hallowe’en: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2010/10/23/Week-early-jack-o-lanterns [Original.]

Sunday 00:26 · White Punks WIth Dogs: www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHlJODYBLKs [Original.]

Sunday 13:54 · @infil00p Duane Nickull maybe? [Original, responding to @infil00p.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
October 24, 2010
· Short-form (350 more)

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