Week ending Sunday 2010/05/16

Monday 12:41 · Hey, I'm on "the setup": tim.bray.usesthis.com/ Much less interesting than some of the other people's setups though. [Original.]

Monday 14:37 · Reto Meier is doing great work with his "Android App Surgery" series, blog.radioactiveyak.com/search/label/Android%20App%20Surgery Note British usage of "Surgery" [Original.]

Monday 16:44 · New Programming Jargon: www.globalnerdy.com/2010/05/09/new-programming-jargon/ - I particularly like "DOCTYPE Decoration" and "Refuctoring" [Original.]

Tuesday 00:21 · Feeling lucky? www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKcFPnS9r8Y [Original.]

Tuesday 09:46 · Android "Parcels" to achieve Ruby-gem-like effects. Must check out: commonsware.com/blog/Android/2010/05/11/announcing-android-parcel-project.html [Original.]

Tuesday 10:23 · I'm not a game developer, but it's interesting to watch how they think: t-machine.org/index.php/2010/05/09/entity-system-1-javaandroid/ [Original.]

Tuesday 10:30 · Wow, VMware picks up Gemstone. [Original.]

Tuesday 10:55 · Practical Open Source: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2010/05/08/Using-Android-Open-Source [Original.]

Tuesday 12:51 · @span check out @USPM [Original, responding to @span.]

Tuesday 12:51 · @spam check out @USPM [Original, responding to @spam.]

Tuesday 12:55 · Well, 10k followers. Not that powers of the numbers of digits, many of whom aren't really there, mean much. [Original.]

Tuesday 20:08 · @br3nda Surely you mean "conceiving"? [Original, responding to @br3nda.]

Tuesday 20:20 · Wondering if the amateurish ugliness of smashsummit.com/ is sorta pomo/ironic/intentional? [Original.]

Tuesday 22:01 · Well, there went an hour of my life. [Original.]

Tuesday 22:57 · Ahhhh... John Renbourn. [Original.]

Wednesday 08:17 · I must say I’ve enjoyed having this little black goober in my pocket. www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2010/05/11/Canon-S90-Notes (Canon S90 notes) [Original.]

Wednesday 11:52 · HTC countersues Apple. Hmmm [Original.]

Wednesday 16:27 · Twitter for Android: A closer look at Android’s evolving UI patterns: android-developers.blogspot.com/2010/05/twitter-for-android-closer-look-at.html [Original.]

Wednesday 20:52 · Installed Steam. Portal plays great on my early-2010 13" MBPro, taking all the defaults. Well, it gets a little hot. [Original.]

Thursday 08:11 · This is a little nuts, from Craigslist: "WTB Google I/O Ticket, You Keep Phone - $750" [Original.]

Thursday 11:55 · The infancy of Mobile Video: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/201x/2010/05/13/Mobile-Video [Original.]

Thursday 13:09 · @Killerdackel Nope, not doing comments over there. Email is fine, though. [Original, responding to @Killerdackel.]

Thursday 18:37 · @Killerdackel Forwarded to the authors [Original, responding to @Killerdackel.]

Thursday 20:13 · Doing some browser stats for the first time in a few years. First surprise: More hits from NetNewsWire than from IE. [Original.]

Thursday 20:34 · Typical: Firefox:28.34 Safari:22.54 NetNewsWire:15.74 IE:12.46 Chrome:10.69 iP*:8.42 Opera:1.07 Android:0.74 [Original.]

Thursday 21:05 · Fortunately, the awesome power of XKCD is used only for good. [Original.]

Thursday 21:30 · Sacramento Credit Union instructions (read the fine print): [Original.]

Thursday 22:39 · @johnbattelle Up late fooling with browser market share stats; your kinda stuff, actually [Original, responding to @johnbattelle.]

Friday 06:55 · Aperture Science marketing video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDj1fYlwR00&feature=youtu.be [Original.]

Friday 10:26 · You might want to see if your old .edu email address still works: googlevoiceblog.blogspot.com/2010/05/google-voice-invites-for-students.html [Original.]

Friday 10:42 · @gruber Not just open, an ISO standard even. *sobs* [Original, responding to @gruber.]

Friday 11:14 · S90 is a nice little video platform. Now, can I stage 'em to my blog without wanting to drive nails into my head... [Original.]

Friday 11:17 · A conversation: wingedpig.com/2010/05/14/a-conversation/ [Original.]

Friday 11:19 · The number of usable Ruby implementations just grew by one: rubini.us/about/one_point_oh [Original.]

Friday 11:50 · @spam check out @madaleenae [Original, responding to @madaleenae.]

Friday 14:20 · Every year or 3 I have to change something in my blogging system. Production code, old-school Perl, 3k+ lines, what could go wrong? *weeps* [Original.]

Friday 16:35 · @dgentry Building it helped me understand the issues. I like using it; just don't like maintaining it. [Original, responding to @dgentry.]

Saturday 09:05 · So, to center a <video> in its <div>, you use text-align: center; Well, of course. [Original.]

Saturday 09:08 · Curated computing: "choice is constrained to deliver less complex, more relevant experiences." blogs.forrester.com/sarah_rotman_epps/10-05-14-curated_computing_designing_post_ipad_era I shudder to the core. [Original.]

Saturday 09:08 · Curated computing: Just fine if you're the curator. [Original.]

Saturday 09:09 · Curated computing: Don't bother your pretty little head, we'll take care of what you see. [Original.]

Saturday 09:09 · Curated computing: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. [Original.]

Saturday 09:09 · Curated computing: Admire the beautiful murals on the garden walls. [Original.]

Saturday 09:10 · Curated computing: Freedom is over-rated. [Original.]

Saturday 09:11 · Curated computing: Your gated-exurban-community home on the Internet. [Original.]

Saturday 09:16 · Curated computing: Who needs complexity? [Original.]

Saturday 09:27 · @gruber Agreed, many indeed, but freedom is too high a price. [Original, responding to @gruber.]

Saturday 09:29 · I, for one, welcome our new curatorial overlords. [Original.]

Saturday 10:44 · Curated computing: What they have right now in China. [Original.]

Sunday 14:19 · Hey, could someone I follow who has an iPhone/Pod Touch/Pad briefly guinea-pig a video experiment? DM pls [Original.]

Sunday 14:22 · Got a guinea pig, thanks everyone else [Original.]

Sunday 17:07 · Fresh thinking on mobile apps from @david_megginson - www.megginson.com/blogs/quoderat/2010/05/16/the-past-future-and-present-of-mobile-apps/ [Original.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
May 16, 2010
· Short-form (350 more)

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