Week ending Sunday 2009/10/04

Monday 07:56 · PC-vs-Mac as metaphor for US healthcare debate. Elegant: www.economist.com/blogs/democracyinamerica/2009/09/userfriendliness_and_fascism.cfm [Original.]

Monday 08:41 · West Coast housing prices, the insanity continues: vancouvercondo.info/2009/09/gvrd-house-prices-and-local-incomes.html [Original.]

Monday 09:49 · Those offended by my Haskell/TDD remarks: consider book.realworldhaskell.org/read/types-and-functions.html#id577931, 3rd-last para. The RWH authors are misguided here. [Original.]

Monday 10:10 · @mathie Scala is probably the closest. But at the moment, maximal elegance is found in the dynlang space. [Original, responding to @mathie.]

Monday 11:33 · In a recent Ruby thing I built, the unit tests had 359 assert_* assertions, of which 21 were checking types. Just under 6%. [Original.]

Monday 11:48 · Most of us who prefer working in dynlangs actually do understand static typing. But we question the cost/benefit ratio. [Original.]

Monday 11:55 · Says @notmatt: "we have TDD in Haskell. It's called 'writing Haskell'." Haven't managed to internalize H yet, but, um, wow. [Original.]

Monday 12:36 · Nifty Haskell/Clojure/Ruby/Groovy/Scala comparo by Curt Sampson: www.starling-software.com/en/blog/drafts/2009/09/27.succ-java-1-common-ground.html [Original.]

Monday 12:53 · More juicy duct-tape lore: gigamonkeys.com/blog/2009/09/28/a-tale-of-two-rewrites.html [Original.]

Monday 13:28 · Good testing work happening in Haskell-land: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QuickCheck (via @twleung) [Original.]

Monday 14:21 · Seems mid/late Sept is when conference organizers buckle down; received 3 nice speaking invites in last week. [Original.]

Monday 15:32 · Registering for Oracle World. Bloody San Fran hotels are bloody pirates. Nothing under $290 on the conference list [Original.]

Monday 15:55 · Hmm, Open Android Alliance: openandroidalliance.com/ [Original.]

Monday 20:27 · When it comes to the music of Sunn 0))), there's really not much in the way of middle ground: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtnG6EHh1N4 [Original.]

Monday 21:30 · Peyton Jones & Armstrong on Haskell & Erlang; *extremely* educational: www.infoq.com/interviews/armstrong-peyton-jones-erlang-haskell [Original.]

Monday 23:34 · . @vambenepe OMG people are still toiling in the WS-coal-mines? Somebody should buy the poor guys out of slavery. [Original, responding to @vambenepe.]

Tuesday 11:01 · @freeholdhal Mikita hates you!?!? I sense a story. [Original, responding to @freeholdhal.]

Tuesday 12:53 · Saved >$100/night in a funkier hotel via getaroom.com, @cgriego who works there tweeted me the pointer. Internet FTW. [Original.]

Tuesday 12:57 · The Girl Effect. Really that simple? Would love to believe it. www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kxysX4MmOU Via @nytimeskristof [Original.]

Tuesday 13:03 · I always thought @bramcohen was deeply evil: www.youtube.com/watch?v=35FNVb4V3EA [Original, responding to @bramcohen.]

Tuesday 14:42 · Good God. App store rejection for explicitly political reasons!?!?? lambdajive.wordpress.com/2009/09/26/isinglepayer-iphone-app-censored-by-apple/ This can't possibly be real. [Original.]

Tuesday 16:55 · This kind of hardware fascinates me. Want to build an app that needs one ...BIG NUMBERS... blogs.sun.com/SunConstellationSystem/entry/new_infiniband_switch [Original.]

Tuesday 18:18 · @damienkatz I'm on board with s/nosql/altdb/g [Original, responding to @damienkatz.]

Tuesday 18:20 · @dierken You should write that up somewhere, interest in Tokyo stuff is high right now. [Original, responding to @dierken.]

Tuesday 18:31 · Now that's what I call a sculpture: www.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/2009/09/flatulence_and_finance.php [Original.]

Tuesday 20:00 · I tend to believe in free markets, but this is just nauseating. www.boston.com/business/articles/2009/09/17/housekeepers_lose_hyatt_jobs_to_outsourcing/ [Original.]

Tuesday 20:22 · The FT's Martin Wolf is becoming my hero. I strongly recommend subscribing to his feed. Today's piece: www.ft.com/cms/s/0/34cbca0c-ad28-11de-9caf-00144feabdc0.html [Original.]

Tuesday 20:26 · Your Sun 0))) of the day: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EPbDc6M74Y Like an after-dinner mint, only different. [Original.]

Tuesday 21:53 · Hah, Matz gets some hard-to-translate honor: translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yomiuri.co.jp%2Fe-japan%2Fshimane%2Fnews%2F20090929-OYT8T01270.htm&sl=ja&tl=en&hl=en&ie=UTF-8 I wrote about previous recipient at www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2009/09/22/Washi-in-Yakumo (via @shita) [Original.]

Tuesday 22:06 · U.S. right wing is now talking coup: www.newsmax.com/john_perry/obama_military_coup/2009/09/29/266012.html [Original.]

Tuesday 23:04 · @pkedrosky Looks like an Overton Window (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window) if you're paranoid & cynical. I'm p&c when there's an R in the month. [Original, responding to @pkedrosky.]

Tuesday 23:37 · What with the World Peace Summit on, our newspapers have all become the Daily Dalai. #JustCouldntResistTypingThat [Original.]

Wednesday 08:46 · That "coup" column has been taken down. Excerpts at mediamatters.org/blog/200909290042 [Original.]

Wednesday 09:44 · Urgh, tbray.org unresponsive. First time in years & years. Cause not obvious... [Original.]

Wednesday 14:05 · Drat, haven't been running Google Analytics, but if I did, would be turning on @trendly (disclosure: investor & friend) [Original.]

Wednesday 14:11 · Idea: Win7 launch parties as performance art. Compete for high scores in irony, bloodshed, and impromptu sexual encounters. [Original.]

Wednesday 14:25 · Corrected: I haven't been running Google Analytics, but if I did, I'd be turning on trendly.com (disclosure: investor & friend) [Original.]

Wednesday 14:41 · Vancouver gang-war update: Some hood gunned down at a pizza joint I often buy from, halfway between @DaveO's place and mine. Too close. [Original.]

Wednesday 15:01 · Hey, favstar is interesting: favstar.fm/users/timbray [Original.]

Wednesday 15:44 · Are there any computer programs that you wish were faster? www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2009/09/27/Concur-dot-next [Original.]

Wednesday 16:25 · The Billion Dollar Gram. It's a masterpiece: www.informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/the-billion-dollar-gram/ [Original.]

Wednesday 19:09 · Engine Yard has been hiring smart people for a while. Now let's see if they can make money. Good luck! www.engineyard.com/blog/2009/three-big-announcements-about-engine-yard-cloud/ [Original.]

Wednesday 19:24 · @GregPfister Those are fakes, to discourage spammers, which it erroneously decided you are. Sorry. Wait 15 minutes, they'll go away. [Original, responding to @GregPfister.]

Wednesday 19:48 · @kk My solution is I throw away like 95% of the pix I take, the raw orginals I mean. Serious photogs blanch when I admit this. [Original, responding to @kk.]

Wednesday 22:46 · Arachnids: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2009/09/30/Autumn-Spiders [Original.]

Thursday 00:05 · Hey, I have more followers than @almightygod. But not many and He's funnier, so He'll catch me. [Original.]

Thursday 00:48 · A day without Sun 0))) is like a day without sunshine: www.youtube.com/watch?v=FycBfIxm2BA [Original.]

Thursday 11:16 · Hey @pragdave, who gets the biggest check? (snicker) [Original, responding to @pragdave.]

Thursday 13:03 · Concur.next — Java: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2009/10/01/C-dot-next-Java [Original.]

Thursday 14:33 · The comments on my concur.next piece are much more interesting than the piece itself: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2009/09/27/Concur-dot-next#comments [Original.]

Thursday 18:36 · Useful acronym: HECS. Haskell/Erlang/Clojure/Scala. [Original.]

Thursday 18:49 · The concurrency laundry list: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2009/09/30/C-dot-next-laundry-list [Original.]

Thursday 19:32 · Looks like the Nucks are going to move their late-season collapse up to right now. More efficient that way I suppose. [Original.]

Thursday 19:52 · @twleung Ted, you *started* this. At OSCON. [Original, responding to @twleung.]

Friday 09:06 · To the gentleman who just sent me the DM asking a favor: You want a DM back, you gotta follow me. Or DM me your email. [Original.]

Friday 09:59 · Good piece, "Truth in Labelling": blogs.sun.com/webmink/entry/truth_in_labelling [Original.]

Friday 10:06 · @cote < 100 lines of Ruby or Python or whatever. [Original, responding to @cote.]

Friday 11:17 · Instructive Haskell funnies: martijn.van.steenbergen.nl/journal/2009/10/02/let-5-6/ [Original.]

Friday 12:17 · Seems like every $#&^! link I click on today wants to open a new $#&^! window. The state of the Web art is moving backward... [Original.]

Friday 12:51 · #followfriday: twitter.com/timbray/favorites [Original.]

Friday 13:14 · Watching Rich Hickey's Persistent Data Structures preso. Deep stuff: www.infoq.com/presentations/Value-Identity-State-Rich-Hickey [Original.]

Friday 13:55 · Canada line video display: twitpic.com/jzw75 [Original.]

Friday 15:00 · Conclusion: Canada line is a good option for a 1-hr meeting in Yaletown [Original.]

Saturday 15:55 · Concur.next — Crosstalk, in which I am accused of bias: www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2009/10/02/C-dot-next-your-take [Original.]

Saturday 17:55 · Palestinian beer, popular in Jerusalem & Japan. www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/oct/02/taybeh-palestinian-brewery-west-bank What a world we live in. [Original.]

Saturday 19:04 · Nice picture bestc.am/hz5nc from @duncan [Original.]

Saturday 20:22 · Stephen Harper playing Beatles with Yo-yo Ma is as weird as Palestinians shipping beer to Japan. Couldn't make it up. www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2009/10/03/harper-piano.html?ref=rss [Original.]

Sunday 10:32 · Aerial photos of Australia, a treat for the eyes: www.richardwoldendorp.com/exhibition/index.htm [Original.]

Sunday 11:02 · @pkedrosky the main link at the top of your recent Mauldin piece is broken. [Original, responding to @pkedrosky.]

Sunday 12:49 · qwitter stopped working but @goodbyebuddy's ok. Lotta churn, 11 unfollows in the last 24 hrs; all look like real non-spam folk. Interesting. [Original.]

Sunday 13:44 · "Advertisers don’t believe it’s worth advertising to smart people..." smarterware.org/3647/leo-laporte-on-advertising-to-smart-people [Original.]

Sunday 14:07 · So, um, are any of today's football games any good? [Original.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
October 04, 2009
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