Week ending Sunday 2009/07/12

Tuesday 7:08 · @asbjornu Ape was being attacked and don't have time to invest in defense. Run a local copy: sudo gem install ape && ape_server [Original, responding to @asbjornu.]

Tuesday 11:04 · HTML5 without <video> is a whole lot less interesting. But maybe I'm weird. [Original.]

Tuesday 13:11 · I mean a video tag that's better than what we have now, i.e. says "use this file format and it'll Just Work". I can make video work now. [Original.]

Tuesday 14:14 · @avibryant Are there any Vancouver f2f go-playing get-togethers? If not we should organize one. [Original, responding to @avibryant.]

Wednesday 17:37 · VLC 1.0 rah rah www.videolan.org/ - plays everything, doesn't crash. [Original.]

Saturday 19:45 · Bright summer Saturday on The Main getting gelato for the kids. I am a member of a civilization. [Original.]

Saturday 21:38 · "Generation M", sooooo 1968. blogs.harvardbusiness.org/haque/2009/07/today_in_capitalism_20_1.html But not everything that came out of 1968 was bad. [Original.]

Saturday 21:44 · Hey, a USB chainsaw. www.usbchainsaw.com/ [Original.]

Sunday 11:49 · "The ‘Infrastructure’ IS an application, a long running process with inputs, outputs and state." stochasticresonance.wordpress.com/2009/07/12/infrastructure-renaissance/ [Original.]

Sunday 14:35 · Upgraded the Android app I'm talking bout at OSCON next week to Cupcake. Should've months ago. No sweat, one new checked exception in 2kloc. [Original.]

Sunday 14:37 · @pjb3 Um, JRuby seems to work OK. What's your point? [Original, responding to @pjb3.]

Sunday 15:08 · One of Java's major contributions is proving to the world that checked exceptions, while plausible in theory, are a bad idea. [Original.]

Sunday 15:09 · @joshu Twidroid seems to be the default choice but I find it irritatingly slow. [Original, responding to @joshu.]

Sunday 16:49 · Reading "Infinite Jest" this summer. A couple hundred pages in it hasn't reached out & grabbed me, but hasn't repelled me either. [Original.]

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
July 12, 2009
· Short-form (350 more)

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