· Naughties
· · 2008
· · · November
· · · · 21 (2 entries)

2008 Storage Hierarchy · We call them “computers”, but the software and hardware are overwhelmingly concerned with storing and retrieving data. Yesterday’s Disk Performance research fit into a larger context in the QConf presentation; a survey of all the levels of storage that make up a modern system ...
First-Class PR · I was having a beer in the bar at SFO waiting for my flight home, sitting next to this thirtyish woman, extremely well-groomed and well-dressed. I saw on her boarding pass that she was traveling Executive Class to LA. We got to talking and it turned out she was in Public Relations. She mostly worked, and her current Bay Area trip was about, representing new iPhone apps. I started feeling cognitive dissonance; first of all, I thought that we were in the kind of economic situation where you wouldn’t want to fly your PR people around in first class, and anyhow, aren’t most iPhone apps being built by low-rent guerilla operations? So I asked a few questions, and it turned out that the apps she represented were mostly from big companies; their names were extremely Web2.0-ish gnarls of unlikely consonant combinations, and they did unsurprising things. It’s dawning on me that the mobile-app space is going to be different.
author · Dad
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