I haven’t been really that involved in the work on CommunityOne, although I’m MC’ing a Ruby panel. But just now I was poking around the schedule [PDF; bad, bad CommunityOne!] and holy cow, this is turning into one heavyweight geek-fest. Whether your jones is for for Free Culture or Subversion or Virtualization or alt-JVM languages or many-core pain or Ubuntu news or PostgreSQL, this is the place. And also it’s free. If you’re a Bay Area geek or a JavaOne attendee you’d be nuts not to spend May 5 at the Moscone.


Comment feed for ongoing:Comments feed

From: Mark (Apr 23 2008, at 23:28)

My anti-PDF jihaddism has softened with the wonderful PDF support in Leopard Safari. It just works.

Depending on the design and the primary end use aim of a document, a Postscript layout might be best sometimes, and now that browsers and search engines can deal with them, hey, whatever. OK with me.


author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
April 23, 2008
· The World (148 fragments)
· · Events (47 more)

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