· Naughties
· · 2007
· · · September
· · · · 15 (2 entries)

Before the Bell · Parents’ bicycles head to the school from every direction. They ride prudently, sitting up, calling guidance and warnings to the little bikes swarming round them, whence smaller voices shrill about new socks and rockets. After the bell, the parents fly outward, bent low, pedaling hard, fast and quiet.
Reducing C Pain · Despite my brutal minimalism, mod_atom is getting kind of big. The main file has a few dozen (mostly pleasingly-small) functions, and navigating around in it was starting to be a chore. I’ve been using Emacs, and I seem to recall that it has all sorts of navigation magic. But then I thought about NetBeans’ excellent “Navigator” tool, and that there’s supposed to be some new C-support code. So I installed it and it kind of works ...
author · Dad
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