· Naughties
· · 2007
· · · August
· · · · 14 (1 entry)

Ruby Glee · Now, this would be a red-letter day. I was chasing a weird Ape bug, and I found the problem: atomURI#absolutize was returning a URI not a string (and by the way, why doesn’t URI offer String methods like index and =~!?! But I digress.) Anyhow, I moaned, thinking “Crap, that’s used everywhere, what am I gonna break?” What I needed was “Find Usages”... Hah! I’d recently grabbed a new NetBeans 6 pre-release (the 070810 build of M10) and Tor’s been doing some heavy chest-beating recently. Here goes with the right-click ...
author · Dad
colophon · rights
Random image, linked to its containing fragment

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