A farm scene in Gippsland, with eucalypts and drought colours.

Farm scene in Gippsland, Victoria

Gippsland is a great big chunk of Victoria, the parts I’ve seen have been farmland and beaches. There are usually a few eucalypts left standing here and there in their fields; since farmers tend to be an unsentimental and not-very-green lot, I assume there’s a reason for this other than their looking wonderful.

See the colour? Gippsland is pretty brown this year, and much of it has been burning, one of the worst fire years on record. But in this picture, it’s a grey sky behind the trees.


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From: JT (Jan 22 2007, at 15:00)

These are the colours of southern Australia in summer, drought or no - all the annual grasses (both weeds and crops) die off and leave much of the countryside brown. I love the changes from summer to winter here - each has it's own character.

As for the remaining few trees, they reasoning varies from genuinely random to being located right beside a big rock or the more organised windbreak.

I'm enjoying your series on Aus - it's good to hear of someone appreciating the coutry that I love to live in.


author · Dad
colophon · rights

January 13, 2007
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