Two random roses from Sally’s front yard in Newport, a suburb of Melbourne.

Melbourne rose
· · ·
Melbourne rose

Note that in Australia, “suburb” doesn’t mean suburb, it means neighborhood or district.


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From: David Dean (Jan 05 2007, at 01:38)

I'm an Australian, what does suburb normally mean?


From: Ken Horn (Jan 05 2007, at 03:20)

Err, seems silly to ask, but what does suburb mean in Canada, if not the same as Australia? (I'm from the UK)


From: Joe Mahoney (Jan 05 2007, at 13:41)

What does suburb mean besides "district or neighbourhood"?


From: Lachlan Hardy (Jan 05 2007, at 15:38)

What does suburb mean in your part of the world then?

In Australia, we have suburbs, neighbourhoods and districts and they all usually mean different things (even if sometimes they have the same name)


From: Greg Clarke (Jan 05 2007, at 16:29)

Welcome Tim. Any plans to visit other parts of Australia?


From: Tim Bray (Jan 06 2007, at 03:17)

In North America, a "suburb" is a district which is outside of the city proper. For example, "Greater Vancouver" consists of the city of Vancouver proper, plus suburbs named Burnaby Richmond, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Langley, Surrey, and so on; they are all separate cities with separate municipal governments. The Vancouver neighborhood I live in is green and residential, but it is *not* a suburb, and some of its residents would be offended by the suggestion that it is.

The associated word "suburban" has a strong cultural connotations, and there is a perceived conflict between urban and suburban values.


From: Jenn (Jan 06 2007, at 05:42)

I had the opportunity to meet you at an AIIM conference several years ago. I'm a recent (a couple of years ago) transplant to Melbourne. I hope you enjoy the visit.


author · Dad
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January 04, 2007
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