· Naughties
· · 2006
· · · October
· · · · 19 (4 entries)

SAMP · If you’re running any of Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl, or Squid on Solaris, trot on over to the Cool Stack space and pick up the latest super-optimized builds, now for x64 as well as SPARC. Hey guys, how about Ruby and Python? And someday (hopefully soon) we’ll be doing it with apt-get and wondering what this pkgadd thing used to be.
Starting Up! · Yow, I just looked at the Startup Camp sign-up sheet and if you want to go, you better get on the list PDQ. Of the names that are there, I recognize almost none; which is exactly the idea. I asked David Berlind why people who are coming wouldn’t want their names to show, and he says two reasons: stealth-mode startups, and people with jobs who are looking for another one.
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One Way or Another · Don Park makes his blog go fast by applying WhirlyCache to the DAO layer, slipping in a transaction layer to reduce database integrity corruption, and using aspect-oriented programming technology via the Spring framework, with the help of Java annotations to mark transactional methods and classes. Yow! My approach is to have Apache serve static data out of the filesystem. Whatever; faster is better.
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Ubuntu Baby · What happened was, we had Kerith over to take some real family portraits (they came out great) and when I scanned her negatives, there were gigabytes of pixels that I didn’t really want to copy around the network, so I thought I’d drop ’em on a DVD. This fragment combines Open Source serendipity, Microsoft-bashing, and adorable baby photography ...
author · Dad
colophon · rights
Random image, linked to its containing fragment

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