· Naughties
· · 2006
· · · September
· · · · 09 (3 entries)

Cars and Publishing · While our car was in the shop, we rented a van and it dawned on us that for a 2-child family that’s on the road quite a bit, a van might be a better choice than either of the current chariots, a tiny lovable Golf diesel or a slick but space-challenged Audi wagon. So we’re kind of car shopping. As a side-effect of this process, I begin to think that Consumer Reports is maybe ahead of the world in effective integrated publishing ...
Cars and User Interfaces · I can remember, back in the day, when we were arguing about user interfaces we said “It should be as intuitive as a car is. Any experienced driver can get in a new, strange, car and figure it out in minutes.” Well, I’ve been using a bunch of different computers and driving a bunch of different cars lately, and I think we’re there. With a sad picture and some automotive micro-reviews ...
Van Distortion · We’re looking for a mini-van or equivalent, and it seems like the industry really wants to sell us something less useful for more money ...
author · Dad
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