I lived in Lebanon for eleven years. To some extent, it’s where I’m from. I find that I cannot express my feelings at any length in a tone I care to share with the world. But I can relay things. Item: An Israeli analyst gives the party line (I assume) as to what they’re trying to accomplish. Are you convinced? Item: The facts of the matter, via the BBC, yesterday and today. Item: Beautifully-written erudite pessimism; Failed States, The Guns of July, Punching Above Its Weight, and Military Hubris. Item: Letter From Beirut. Item: A definition of insanity: performing the same action repeatedly in the expectation that it will start producing a different result. Item: On Terror. Item: Michael J. Totten’s Friend is a Refugee and on comments.
That last one struck home; one of the reasons I haven’t been writing is because of what shows up in other people’s comments. Doubtless the same kind of email I will get now. To those people, and to anyone who wants to write me to defend, at any level or for any reason, the actions of an aggressor, here’s my answer: Want to know the reason children are dying in the Middle East? Look in the mirror.

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
July 16, 2006
· The World (148 fragments)
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· · · Middle East (56 more)

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