· Naughties
· · 2006
· · · May
· · · · 12 (4 entries)

Atom Newsreel · I’ve been accumulating things Atomic to write about for a while, so here goes. Item: You’ll be able to blog from inside Microsoft Word 2007 via the Atom Publishing Protocol. Item: Sam Ruby has wrangled Planet to the point where it handles Atom 1.0 properly. Item: Along the way, Sam reported a common bug in Atom 1.0 handling, and his comments show it being fixed all over (Planet, MSN, and Google Reader, but not Bloglines of course); the Keith reference in Sam’s title is to this. [Update: Gordon Weakliem extirpates another common bug from the NewsGator universe.] Item: The Movable Type Feed Manager is based on James Snell’s proposed Threading Extensions to Atom 1.0; Byrne Reese seems to think that particular extension is hot stuff. Item: Nature magazine is extending Atom 1.0 for their Open Text Mining Interface. Item: The Google Data APIs are old news now, but it looks like they’re doing Atom 1.0 and playing by the rules. Last Item: Over in the Atom Working Group, we’re getting very close to declaring victory and going for IETF last call on the Protocol document.
FSS: Domestic Bliss · Friday Slide Scan #31 is a 1992 fireside shot, with a candle and a secret added bonus ...
Shameless Hucksterism · They asked me to plug this SDN promo on the Ultra 20 and, since I actually use one, it seems like a reasonable thing to do. I’m kind of out of touch with what workstations are supposed to cost, but unless we’re charging way too much, 35% off should be decent. And while I didn’t pay for mine, I can personally testify that these puppies are meat-grinders, it’s by a long shot the fastest personal computer that I’ve ever used. Mind you, it won’t enhance the decor of your office. And if you get one, take my advice and run GNU/Solaris on it. [Update: Er, uh, there doesn’t seem to be any information behind that link on how you actually get the box, or what it costs. Blush. Will ask around and fill in.]
What Matters · Let’s consider Flickr, del.icio.us, and Technorati as canonical “Web 2.0” companies. Let’s suppose that Flickr is popular because it’s a good way to organize and publish pictures, which is useful. And that del.icio.us is popular because it’s a good way to organize and publish links, which is useful. And that Technorati is popular because it’s a good way to find out what people are saying right now, which is useful. And let’s suppose that the facts that they all do tags and are frequently described in sentences that include the word “social”, just suppose those things are ephemeral, and the success is about doing useful things for individuals. How old-fashioned. Every day that goes by I believe more and more that the only important new thing is that the Net is read-write. Everything that matters follows from that.
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