This trip is supposed to be for Spring Break, but in Saskatchewan, Spring hasn’t arrived yet. It’s been hitting -20°C at night, with the wind brisk; that’s a nasty combination. Well, you don’t come here for the weather, but the photo opps have been scarce too; the March light, until Friday, was alternately hazy and harsh. Herewith four pictures of snow.

I forced myself to do some walks around the farm even with the alarming wind chill. At the top of one little hill, I felt duty-bound to photograph, if only to prove that the Prairies can be unbeautiful. But the flat white sky and flat white snow, even though it felt kind of dim, were so bright that I couldn’t see the LED on the pocket cam, so I just pointed it here and there and shot a few. This is PhotoShopped some, but sure looks like like what I saw.

White snow, white sky, early Saskatchewan spring

If you were lost and alone in a Prairie winter, this is what death would look like.

When it wasn’t overcast, the light was somehow glaring and ugly every other time I went out, I can’t explain it. But late Friday, the eve of our departure, I dared a last sunset hike; it was even more cold and blustery, if that’s possible, and I only lasted a few minutes. When I came in I was still holding the camera because I didn’t trust my frozen hands to pack it back up without dropping it. I ended up with a tremendous number of appealing snow shots, and picked these three because they share an obvious visual theme.

Small dead plant in snow
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Old leaning fencepost in snow
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Small dead plant in snow

Damn, it was cold.

I note that I’ve now taken over 3000 pictures on the Pentax since May 2004. Not bad at all.

author · Dad
colophon · rights

March 18, 2006
· Arts (11 fragments)
· · Photos (980 more)
· The World (148 fragments)
· · Places
· · · Saskatchewan (26 more)

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are my own, and no other party
necessarily agrees with them.

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on the author page.

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