If it lasts through Sunday, Vancouver (and Seattle just down the road) will break a 1953 record for continuous rainy days. Recently there’s not much rattling around inside asking to be written and I partly blame all those clouds and, weirdly, the fact that it’s been weeks since I saw anything that I wanted to take a picture of. I have this great big queue of interesting Web stuff to write about, but you know, if I don’t someone else will and if they don’t it probably didn’t need writing. The Web’s like that. But today I was driving up 101 heading for SFO and didn’t like what KFOG was playing and hit Seek and listened to half an hour of La Kalle which plays Reggaetón, and the DJs veer back and forth between Spanish and English three times in the average hyperenthusiastic sentence. The music’s complicatedly trying to be Latino-sentimental and hip-hop-tough and reggae-happy all at once, which leaves gaps it occasionally falls into, but more of it is good than bad, and a couple of times it had me hoppin’ back and forth on my butt in the driver’s seat. When I stopped to gas up the rental the song they were playing was too good to turn off so I cranked that sucker and entertained the whole gas station while I did my bit for the Saudi economy. A young dude in a good blue suit and haircut gassing his rental raised an eyebrow at the grey-bearded gringo honkey gettin’ down. As if I cared.

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
January 12, 2006
· Arts (11 fragments)
· · Music (111 more)

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I’m on Mastodon!