· Naughties
· · 2005
· · · July
· · · · 25 (2 entries)

Infrae · Who is Infrae.com? And why the flaming hell are were they replicating the full text from ongoing, and doing the same to Jon Udell, Dare Obasanjo, and Paul Everitt? This really seems over the top. Whoever you are, please stop now. [Update: It has been pointed out that this may fall within the terms of my Creative Commons license. I guess they’re attributing properly, and it doesn’t look like they’re charging. On the other hand, this looks like it may be a product demo, and that would be skating close to the line. Hmph.] [Update: Infrae, who do Zope stuff, seem to be a decent bunch of people; Martijn Faassen, one of their founders, sent a nice note explaining that this was indeed a demo of their Silva product. And they’ve taken it all down; thanks.]
Wikipedia Repair · Dave Winer’s right, the Wikipedia’s article on RSS is a crock. Dave’s gripe is that it’s “highly political”, mine is that it’s just wrong: for example, the introductory bit suggests that full-content feeds are impossible. Also, it’s badly-organized. Dave’s problem is going to be harder to address because RSS itself is highly political; but at least the political narrative should be coherent. Anyhow, it would be nice if someone level-headed were to take responsibility for it. I currently ride herd on two or three other articles and that’s all my Wikipedia cycles. It’s not as hard as you might think, and here’s why: the kinds of people who want to put stupid, irrelevant, badly-written junk in the Wikipedia in my experience are easily discouraged. Just hang in, keep on fixing things they break and explaining why in a calm tone of voice on the Discussion page, and pretty soon they go away.
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