· Naughties
· · 2005
· · · April
· · · · 28 (2 entries)

Mis-Prized · Several people have noted that the blogs.sun.com team won a Sun award that seems to be kind of a big deal. There’s a problem: while the other folks on the “team” (Simon, Hoffie, Will, Danese, P@, Dave) are outstanding, we are like maybe 5% of this story, max. There was Jonathan who said “do it” (not knowing at that point that he had blogging talent), then there was Dave Edmondson who deployed PlanetPlanet to make PlanetSun, then there are three lawyers you never heard of—Steve Schulman, Damien Eastwood, and Dave Farrell—who helped us figure out how to do this without getting ourselves or the company busted. James Todd did a bunch of internal work before it all started that gave us some credibility. John Fowler and Juan Carlos Soto managed Simon and me and gave us nothing but support. Add those people in, and you have 10% of the credit. The other 90% belongs to the thousand-plus people here who rose to the challenge and joined the conversation: engineering poets, marketing hackers and well, yes, some complete raving loonies, and their dogs. Just go here and search for the word “background”. Enough said; more than enough.
Yahoo! Search FUSE · John Battelle reports on a conversation with Y!’s Jeff Weiner; it sounds like John heard more or less the same things I did. At the time I didn’t say too much about Jeff’s remarks, but I think that John’s piece, while good, bypassed a real interesting part. Y!’s rallying cry is FUSE: Find, Use, Share, and Expand. So do you think they can beat Google at finding or using? Well maybe, but I wouldn’t want to bet a business on it. But how about Share and Expand? Y! has relationships with a lot of people out there: email relationships, finance relationships, chatter relationships, you name it. Suppose they can make it real easy and attractive for the people in all those relationships to put some back; to Share stuff and Expand the Web. Being first in line to help everyone Find and Use that good new stuff? Sounds like a plausible line of attack to me.
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