· Naughties
· · 2005
· · · April
· · · · 15 (3 entries)

FSS: Yellow and Blue · Friday Slide Scan #8 is from sometime in the late Eighties, a dandelion in a sea of forget-me-nots ...
Hey, Big Blue! · Let’s close out Friday in a mood of industry bonhomie, by saying nice things about an esteemed competitor, IBM. First of all, their Jim Stallings made some eminently-sensible remarks on the problems with software patents. Secondly, Sam Ruby not only pointed out this, he offered a really insightful response to the challenge. I’m going to print this out and stick it up on my wall: “Operational definition of simplicity: Zero Training”
License Craziness · You know, it would be nice to have a serious discussion about Open-Source licensing issues; but that’s getting harder and harder every day. Herewith some feedback on Jonathan Schwartz’s latest, thoughts on the GPL, and appalled head-shaking at the bad, bad craziness going on in this space. [Update: 15 minutes after I pressed “publish”, Simon Phipps, who knows way more about licensing than I do, weighed in; definitely worth a read.] ...
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