· Naughties
· · 2005
· · · April
· · · · 05 (2 entries)

Cuban on Music Retailing · Mark Cuban is always worth reading, but when he’s right, as in this piece on the extinction of the CD, he’s really right.
Check Out Gruber · John Gruber, that is, who disagrees at length with my unswitch piece. He’s got one good new argument—I hadn’t actually read the judgment in the Apple-vs-the-leakers case—and while the judge is aware of the riskiness of the territory, I’m still worried; perhaps I’ve had a little too much exposure to the profound sleaziness of certain members of the financial-engineering community. Our disagreement about information-management style is mostly aesthetic; I find Apple’s control-freakery offensive and sterile, he doesn’t. He points out that Apple’s share price is doing better than Sun’s or Microsoft’s, and who knows, maybe that’s relevant. As for my dissing the hardware, despite what John says, I have friends who are carrying Sonys and Thinkpads around and they’re faster than my PowerBook, and the screens are brighter and have more pixels, and that sucks. I’ve subscribed to John for ages, he’s a Mac bigot’s Mac bigot, a decent writer, and I’ve long admired his subtle white-on-grey styling. I hadn’t realized how much pull he has, there’ve been thousands and thousands of people drop by ongoing via his piece. So if you’re one of the three Mac enthusiasts in the world who don’t already read John, you might want to start.
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