This is my one-year anniversary at Sun, and I just wrote a little sermon about the company. On a personal note, by way of amplifying that little disclaimer over to your right, I should say this: I wake up before anyone else in the house, even when I’ve been working late, which is usually. When I come downstairs our mangy old loudmouth cat accosts me for breakfast and I have to feed him or he’s gonna wake up the family. And that 60-second delay really irritates me because I can’t wait to get online and see what’s happening. Which is to say, I’m having fun. I’m in the computer business where I belong, and I’m getting chances, in a small way, to make a difference here and there. Thanks are due at this point to Simon Phipps and John Fowler for getting me the job, to Rachel Laxa and Lorena Cerillo for helping me figure out how things work, to Juan Carlos Soto for good advice and moral support, to a lot of other people at Sun for letting me run with some of my weird ideas, and to Lauren for putting up with my enthusiasms. Oh, and as of today, I’m a shareholder too. So call me a soulless corporate drone, baby, I can take it.

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
March 15, 2005
· Business (126 fragments)
· · Sun (63 more)

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are my own, and no other party
necessarily agrees with them.

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