· Naughties
· · 2004
· · · November
· · · · 15 (4 entries)

Competition · For our own JDS, that is, from Novell’s desktop offering, which got a lengthy review here, albeit from a heavy Linux geek; I’d be more interested in what Mossberg or Wildstrom have to say. Looks like their pricing won’t be that far off ours, either. So here’s the picture: there are now two large, stable, competent companies who can provide you a fully-supported business-friendly desktop suite that will cost a lot less than Microsoft. This is how Free Enterprise is supposed to work. Hold on; it’s going to be an exciting ride.
Open Document Worries · On November 15th, the European Commission posted a bunch of documents covering that office-document-format work that I’ve written about before. Simon Phipps provides a useful overview, but I read the letters from Microsoft and IBM and ran across a couple of scary bits ...
Intellectual Vampires · Hey, there’s this new company getting a lot of buzz, check it out. Hmm, did I misspell the name? [Update: I just got a suggestion that yes, I did get that name wrong, I should have written Intellectual Vultures.]
Garden Walls · There’s a remarkable piece by Russell Beattie from last week, talking about the business model Vodaphone is trying to build around its 3G mobile services. I’ve seen this movie before, and what they’re trying to do probably won’t work, and that’s a good thing, because there’s a better way ...
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