Sitting up late, chatting with Sifry about his DNC stories and conventions and how to cover them and wondering if the real RNC story might be outside the building, and reading the latest on war videography from a moonlighting Salam Pax. My personal bet is that New York will be noisy but nonviolent, both the demonstrators and the cops have too much to lose by being scary on TV. Still, I bet there’s some first-rate theater in the streets. So, here’s an idea. Go to Manhattan. Get yourself a high-end PowerBook laptop with a bunch of batteries and a FireWire and USB ports and enough WiFi service provider accounts that you’re always online... then, print up a sandwich board that says Your Pictures And Movies... On The Web Now! and walk around, and then, if something happens, it won’t be film at eleven, it’ll be right now.

author · Dad
colophon · rights
picture of the day
August 28, 2004
· The World (148 fragments)
· · Journalism (37 more)

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