So Scoble posted at 1:30 AM Sunday that he was in Vancouver, how about lunch. A dozen people turned up, it was 16°C so we ate outside in the sun, fun was had.

Vancouver Geek Lunch

From left to right: Scoble, me, John, and Boris. Photo credit: Maryam.

Naturally, Scoble and I took the opportunity to launch a diabolical Sun-Microsoft conspiracy to... oh, can’t talk about that. Otherwise, discussion included blogging, Atom, taxonomies, tablets, job-hunting, and a general sense of wonderment at being alive in these times where nobody knows what the business is going to look like this time next year. I got to meet a few Vancouver-scene folks that I hadn’t before, so that was cool too.

I think these impromptu weblog-organized geek socials are just an altogether good thing. Several people from Hamburg wrote me to say that it is the epicentre of German blogging, and the next time I go there I should damn well let them know in advance and we can do one of these. I’m down with that, you betcha.

author · Dad
colophon · rights

March 28, 2004
· The World (148 fragments)
· · Life Online (273 more)

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