· Naughties
· · 2003
· · · October
· · · · 26 (4 entries)

On Freeing China · In the pages of the current Business Week, to my surprise, a credible write-up on how the people of China might get out from under their government’s thumb. It takes a bit of a long view, which is appropriate when addressing a big problem ...
#9 · After dinner Friday the kid wanted to do a jigsaw puzzle and I thought that we might as well have a musical backdrop for our quality time. I felt in a rock & roll mode and my hand fell on the White Album. Eventually Revolution #9 came along, and all these decades later, you know, it holds up pretty well. Anyhow, the kid with furrowed brow was trying to figure out which way a piece of Thomas the Tank Engine would fit, and I was making helpful suggestions when I noticed that in his little munchkin voice he was intoning “Number nine... Number nine... Number nine...” Now that’s Quality Time.
Stewart Brand · Earlier this month at the Foo Camp, I screwed up and I’m still feeling bad about it. I found myself sitting around a fire with one of my truly major influences, and I couldn’t manage to compose even a few feeble words of thanks to someone who made a big difference in my life. This is by way of trying to make up for it a bit ...
On the Side of a Tire · I was trying to get some work done and the kid was pestering me: “Show me some pictures on the computer, Daddy.” So went to Google Image Search, and said “What would you like to see a picture of?” “Ummm... a tire.” No idea where that came from, but easy enough. We looked at a couple of pictures of tires, and as a side-effect I found out How to read a modern Passenger Car Tire Sidewall. Some committee somewhere obviously invested serious time in working this one out.
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