· Naughties
· · 2003
· · · September
· · · · 12 (1 entry)

Keynote vs. the Web · I see that Sam Ruby has posted his excellent slide set from the Seybold show; they are about as thorough and concentrated an introduction to the syndication universe as anything I’ve seen anywhere. I won’t be posting either my slides or those by Bill Humphries, because Keynote won’t let me. That’s kind of a pity; Bill had a storyboard-style session showing how you actually do this stuff, with tons of screenshots of getting the job done in Radio, Moveable Type, Blogger, and so on. I had provided a sermon on Why You Should Care about RSS with lots of cute pictures, and a historical overview of the road from the roots of syndication through to the Atom project. But as near as I can tell, there’s no way to export from Keynote to HTML. It’ll do PDF but there is just no way I am gonna post a 6.7MB chunk of dumb electronic paper. Hrumph.
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