“... and they lived happily ever after” is a myth, because everyone’s happiness ends, happiness is a thing stuck in a moment or a morning or with luck a month. I was happy Sunday and this is a thing worth pondering, and there’s a picture too.

Pear-leaves in the sun of a happy afternoon

I did a vegetarian barbecue for dinner and it came out nicely (hint: garlic!), we ate in the porch in the long bright Canadian summer evening. After dinner Lauren and the kid were down in the garden planting flowers; as reward for cooking I just sat, sipped cool white wine and watched the slanting sun on the leaves of the pear tree that shelters the porch.

The chair was comfy, the stomach was full, the air was warm with a soft breeze, and the kid was providing that continuous three-year-old narrative on the flowerplanting. Completeness.

In the fast lane, people bang their souls against the unyielding surfaces of the market, and that’s OK win or lose but it wears you down. But the angled light on the pear-tree, that’s free, you just have to be a little lucky, be in the right place at the right time, and be careful not to miss it when it comes to you.

author · Dad
colophon · rights

June 09, 2003
· The World (147 more)

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