· Naughties
· · 2003
· · · May
· · · · 22 (3 entries)

Pix From Mars · Slashdot had this today, tremendously impressive pictures of the Earth/Moon system and Jupiter, taken from Mars, the proper image credit is NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems. A bit mind-expanding; for me, it was the Earth and Moon seen in the same frame, from a distance, that for the first time made me feel like I really knew how big the pieces of the system are. Hats off to the people and machines who did this. But the pix are a bit too pretty. In fact, the photo-enhancement bothered me, so I deconstructed them a bit ...
The RDF Conversation · The RDFnik community is not that large, but it's dynamic. My RDF.net essaylet from yesterday provoked a real flurry of commentary in other blogs and of incoming correspondence. Herein I address a few of the correspondents' issues and go fairly deep on some thoughts provoked by Sjoerd Visscher. (Warning: this last bit will be of interest only to the most deranged fringe of markup pedants.) ...
The Death of Scholarship? · Some maze of twisty little blogpassages led me to this study of Student Searching Behavior. It's really long and wordy, but the soundbite is that when students are asked to look up something relevant to their academic work, 45% of them go to Google, 10% of them go to the local library catalog, and the rest scatter among other search engines. I like Google as much as the next person, but I still find this really disturbing, especially that 10% figure ...
author · Dad
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