· Naughties
· · 2003
· · · May
· · · · 14 (3 entries)

Apple Store XML Shutdown · Stefano Mazzocchi reports that those Apple Music store URIs which used to yield XML no longer do so, apparently it's all encrypted. I tried and he's right. A quick look at a couple of the issues ...
Logging On to Cluelessness · I'm on the road (in Florida bad-dialup hell too) and was watching the basketball game in the hotel room, amused by the continual exhortations of the announcers to “Log on to nba.com” for one thing or another. You hear this usage all the time in commercials and promotions, but almost never among people who actually use the Web. I “visit” or “hit” or “look at” websites, I don't “log on” to them. But maybe I'm not giving them enough credit for subtlety ...
Technorati Lessons, Take Two · A couple of days back I wrote about the new Technorati API, considering the trade-offs of various kinds of Web APIs. It turns out I was seriously wrong on one of those points, and what falls out is important enough for a new essaylet ...
author · Dad
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I’m on Mastodon!