· Naughties
· · 2003
· · · May
· · · · 05 (2 entries)
On CSS ·
It would seem to be de rigueur these days for anyone in this space to have an opinion about the use of CSS, so here's mine: using CSS is better than not using CSS. But sometimes you can't. I've got a couple of examples and a few general CSS gripes ...
I Was Going to Write About Programming Languages ·
Because there've been a couple wonderful essays published recently about testing and typing and other deep stuff, and of course it's not long since Paul Graham's excellent The Hundred-Year Language. But when I hit Paul's site to grab the hundred-year URI, what do you know but he's posted another one, Hackers and Painters, and now I'm going to have to think some more before I write on this subject. Seriously, check it out.
By Tim Bray.
The opinions expressed here
are my own, and no other party
necessarily agrees with them.
A full disclosure of my
professional interests is
on the author page.
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