· Naughties
· · 2003
· · · April
· · · · 06 (3 entries)

On Disconnectedness · We're coming off 72 hours of being off the Net at home. This disconnectedness diary is better than other bloggers' home-tech laments, because it includes a genuine earthquake preparedness safety tip ...
On the Goodness of Unicode · Quite a few software professionals have learned that they need to worry about internationalizing software, and some of those have learned how to go about doing it. For those getting started, herewith a brief introduction to Unicode, the one technology that you have to get comfortable with if you're going to do a good job as a software citizen of the world ...
What Happened Was... · I was just watching the BBC TV stream (had to use a Windows box, my Mac can't get it). In a live broadcast from the outskirts of Basra, their correspondent Hilary Andersson in her hard-edged (for the Beeb) North England voice said: “What happened was, <pause>...” Beautiful; pure American, dragged into the mainstream, as near as I can tell, by Elmore Leonard ...
author · Dad
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are my own, and no other party
necessarily agrees with them.

A full disclosure of my
professional interests is
on the author page.

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