· Naughties
· · 2005
· · · October
· · · · 20 (2 entries)

Guns, Not Butter · Just now, my news aggregator had these two MSNBC stories next to each other. Item: “The Senate voted for the second time this month against providing more money to help low-income families heat their homes.” Item: “Congress on Thursday passed a bill protecting the firearms industry from massive lawsuits brought by crime victims, and President Bush was expected to sign it into law.” Glad to see they’ve got their priorities straight.
How To Use Your Ultra · So, I’ve got this meat-grinder that runs NetBeans just insanely faster than my PowerBook, and I’d like to use it. The trouble is, I’ve already got 3,397,120 pixels’ worth of screen real-estate and if I add more I won’t be able to see out my window; and one keyboard & mouse are enough. Solution: run the Ultra headless and talk to it via the Mac, using X11. It’s not problem-free but it works. Illustrated with pictures of deliciously smooth, streamlined actual working code. [Update: There is hope.] ...
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